Smoke Filled Room release a new single called “Just Afraid”

December 2020

The talented Smoke Filled Room have released a new single called “Just Afraid”. Smoke Filled Room are making waves in the vibrant Brighton music scene with their combination of haunting melodies and powerful rock rhythms.  Below are some of the photos I have taken of their recent performances including at The Green Door Store, The Prince Albert and The Brunswick.   All three band members were interesting to shoot during their performances.  I hope to get to work with them again soon once live performances are back in 2021!

For more details of the band’s details see Smoke Filled Room Instagram - @smokefilledroomband and Smoke Filled Room band Facebook

To hear the new single “Just Afraid” on Spotify click here and YouTube click here.


Hysteria Zine issue 2, interview the band Muff including my images